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This is the primary Website for Acoustic Circus, just a Saratoga/Lake George trio and in reality it is just a place to share information and large mp3 files among the band and friends… In the Acoustic Circus menu on the right, you will find links to band history, calendar and live recordings of individual songs and full shows.

This site also serves as a repository and archive for the Log Bay Day Jam in Lake George, NY which we started in 1997. In the menu on the right, you will find links to history, images, directions.  

Please note that Halfstep and Acoustic Circus no longer perform for Log Bay Day and if you are reading this – we urge you, please preserve Lake George and please be safe as Log Bay Day has grown beyond control and it is shameful the damage this event now incurs. In the past, we continually reminded everyone (between every song) to be safe and to remove their own garbage. Unfortunately, we are no longer present to manage this situation.

The menu on the right also details my solo jazz performances and has links to/downloadable solo jazz recordings.

Lastly, it contains some archive material from my original site so in truth, I use this as a server to save stuff and keep it off of my hard drive so that I don’t errantly erase it… 🙂

Note all of my teaching materials are now located on

See ya and remember… There’s nothing left to do but Smile… Smile… Smile (J. Garcia)

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